Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Ooo, It's so crazy, she's like Baby, I'm like Swayze

First off, I just have to say that I had a TOTALLY AMAZING time at the New Kids on the Block concert last Saturday night!!! It was everything I could have wanted my first concert to be and though I'm 28, I felt like I was 13. They were so HOT and they had all aged really well!! I almost wish I'd been like Lori and spent the $350 to meet them, but there's no way I could have afforded that or really even justified it. I'm anxious to see her pictures though! I got these pictures from the friend of Stephanie's that was with us. I'm hoping to get more off her myspace soon so stay tuned!!!

A crazy thing happened at school last Friday. One of the kids was acting out like crazy and he decided to take a water bottle and squirt me with it. I was wet for the rest of the day pretty much...from head to toe too! It sucked monkey nuts!! All part of the job though, and I know it could have been worse...he could have hit me! I did get a nice apology letter this week.

I actually had a really busy weekend which for those that really know me, is odd. I was out of my place more than I was in it...WEIRD!! Friday night Kate and I went to Puyallup to hang with this guy Edwin I'd met and his friend Michael. We drank a lot (also not really like me), played a drinking game (my first!) and just had a good time. ;)

Saturday night was the concert...AWESOME!! And I saw Lori and Darlene which was nice.

Sunday night Michael (from Friday night) came over and we drank, watched a DVD, talked, laughed, and had a good time! I don't kiss and tell so...

Well, I think that's all I have to say for now. Today is an easy week at school, 1 full day, 2 half days, and then a 4 day weekend. So only 4 more hours of work this week!!! Of course I'll spend the rest of tomorrow at Dad's getting my contributions to Thanksgiving at Inge's ready, rolls, pie, and cute place cards.

I'm going to go play warcraft now! :)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

a dream

So early this morning (around 5:30am) I woke up from a VERY strange dream. I had to tell somebody so I texted Shelley, knowing she wouldn't mind the early morning text. Here's exactly what I sent her (it was like 8 texts long!):

I'm sorry if this wakes you up but I had to tell somebody. I just had a really weird dream where my mom was alive again. Apparently 3 months after she died she came back to life. And she was fine and doctors couldn't explain it. And for the first year or so it was like walking on egg shells cause I felt like she would die again suddenly. But by then I wasn't so afraid and more just grateful for the time with her. And I was away at college and had been for like 3 months and finally remembered to check my mail (and it was like 3am or something) and I had dozens of letters and packages from her. I was trying to organize it all and I was crying and told my RA about the whole thing and it just felt so real. Then I woke and h ad to think if she was really dead or not. So now I don't want to go back to sleep for fear of forgetting it all. The feeling of her being alive was so real and actually kind of comforting, like she's out there watching over me.

I told you it was long! LOL It kind of felt like I'd had the dream before. At least the part about her coming back to life after being dead for 3 months. And nobody seemed to question how that happened even though she was CREMATED!! It was very weird, like if you asked that question the bubble would burst and she'd be dead again. I wonder what it means. I'm glad I texted Shelley because after I went back to sleep I had another odd dream about being in college and making out with some guy who I later found out was engaged, but he was leaving her for me. And I'd just met the guy and his parents were pissed at me. All that made it hard to remember the good mom dream. And the warm, fuzzy feeling I got from it was long gone. But I have the memory of it, which is nice.

I miss my mom!!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

"Well, I am home. I like it here on Sesame Street."

I just got back from lunch with my surrogate Mom Vanessa. It was nice as always. I really miss seeing her every week! But it was good to catch up and to get a mom hug!

I stopped at Target on my way home and spent WAY too much money! I almost bought season 3 of Family Guy cause it was on sale for $20, but decided not to at the last minute. I'll put it on my Christmas list. Though, I know Dad won't do any shopping so maybe I'll just buy it after Christmas.

I did however, find the movie you see to your right (Follow That Bird) which is a childhood favorite of mine. How can you NOT like a Sesame Street movie? It was on sale for $4.75 so I couldn't pass it up. Could you? LOL

I got it from Netflix once about 2 years ago and it's cheesy, but just so darn cute! I look forward to watching it.

Not a whole lot else to write about right now. I'd like to blog one of these days about religion and my journey with God and how I'm doing reading The Purpose Driven Life, but not today.

I'm going to get back to enjoying my 2 days off school!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

from postsecret.com

This is one of my favorite websites...I visit it every week. This one caught my eye tonight. I think I will post others I have saved on my computer in the days to come.


Poppin' my blog cherry!

So I've decided that I need a blog...someplace to write my (often random) thoughts. I love Facebook but unlike Myspace, it doesn't have a place for blogging or if it does, I've never found it. And I'm not going back the the drama of Myspace!!

I don't have anything to interesting to write tonight. I am totally bored out of my freaking mind!!! It's a 4 day weekend for me and I have lots of things I could be doing around my place, but am I? Duh, of course not! LOL I got out of bed briefly around 9am but then went back and dozed in and out of sleep until 1:30 I think when I decided to shower.

Then I spent my day waiting until 8pm when I went to go take Brad to the airport. I played a little World of Warcraft, read a little, messed around on the internet, etc. but nothing kept my interest too long.

And so I'm left to wonder...What will I do the next 3 days???