Saturday, November 8, 2008

Poppin' my blog cherry!

So I've decided that I need a blog...someplace to write my (often random) thoughts. I love Facebook but unlike Myspace, it doesn't have a place for blogging or if it does, I've never found it. And I'm not going back the the drama of Myspace!!

I don't have anything to interesting to write tonight. I am totally bored out of my freaking mind!!! It's a 4 day weekend for me and I have lots of things I could be doing around my place, but am I? Duh, of course not! LOL I got out of bed briefly around 9am but then went back and dozed in and out of sleep until 1:30 I think when I decided to shower.

Then I spent my day waiting until 8pm when I went to go take Brad to the airport. I played a little World of Warcraft, read a little, messed around on the internet, etc. but nothing kept my interest too long.

And so I'm left to wonder...What will I do the next 3 days???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura,
Welcome to the Blogging World!