A crazy thing happened at school last Friday. One of the kids was acting out like crazy and he decided to take a water bottle and squirt me with it. I was wet for the rest of the day pretty much...from head to toe too! It sucked monkey nuts!! All part of the job though, and I know it could have been worse...he could have hit me! I did get a nice apology letter this week.
I actually had a really busy weekend which for those that really know me, is odd. I was out of my place more than I was in it...WEIRD!! Friday night Kate and I went to Puyallup to hang with this guy Edwin I'd met and his friend Michael. We drank a lot (also not really like me), played a drinking game (my first!) and just had a good time. ;)
Saturday night was the concert...AWESOME!! And I saw Lori and Darlene which was nice.
Sunday night Michael (from Friday night) came over and we drank, watched a DVD, talked, laughed, and had a good time! I don't kiss and tell so...
Well, I think that's all I have to say for now. Today is an easy week at school, 1 full day, 2 half days, and then a 4 day weekend. So only 4 more hours of work this week!!! Of course I'll spend the rest of tomorrow at Dad's getting my contributions to Thanksgiving at Inge's ready, rolls, pie, and cute place cards.
I'm going to go play warcraft now! :)
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