I got this idea from here. TOTALLY awesome idea!!
And here is how mine turned out:

Clearly my colors aren't as vivid, but I don't have all the fancy tools and stuff somebody who bakes a lot does. And my layers are uneven but the overall affect (effect?) is still there. I got a TON of compliments on it and I'm pretty happy with it. I think if I ever made it again I'd do it better. The first time is always the toughest.
Had a nice time out at Katie & Kyle's BBQ. They have a nice little place and a good number of people came. A few I met last 4 and some new ones. I was pretty shy and antisocial at first but I got better. :)
Now I"m exhausted. I already took an ambien so I'll probably be in bed within the next hour or so. Maybe sooner! Vision is a little fuzzy and brain is slowing down. lol
I feel like there was something else I was gonna write about, but I don't remember so I guess you're just SOL. No, no, don't cry...it probably wasn't anything important.
I'm going to go pay more attention so season 4 of SATC that I started watching the other day. Well, re-watching I guess. I've seen it many times before. Okay, mind is powering down.
Catch you on the flip side!
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