Sunday, November 28, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
So Kevin called me a bit ago. I answered the number I didn't recognize because I thought it might be an official call about school tomorrow. I got one this morning. But then it turned out to be him. We had a short conversation about how I thought I'd made it clear that I don't want him in my life.
He told me he just found out his mom has cancer. I told him that I'm sorry, I hope she gets better and that I know how hard it must be for him, but that I'm not the person he needs to talk to about this.
Now he's texting me and telling me that he has no friends and his family doesn't talk to him anymore and blah blah blah. I can't believe anyone would like about a parent having cancer, but I also wouldn't put it past him. What hasn't he lied about to me??
I'm once again very proud of myself for not arguing with him, not putting up with his shit, and sticking to not seeing him or being in contact with him. :)
I feel stronger every time I do it!!
He told me he just found out his mom has cancer. I told him that I'm sorry, I hope she gets better and that I know how hard it must be for him, but that I'm not the person he needs to talk to about this.
Now he's texting me and telling me that he has no friends and his family doesn't talk to him anymore and blah blah blah. I can't believe anyone would like about a parent having cancer, but I also wouldn't put it past him. What hasn't he lied about to me??
I'm once again very proud of myself for not arguing with him, not putting up with his shit, and sticking to not seeing him or being in contact with him. :)
I feel stronger every time I do it!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Labor Day
OMG, camping was fun!! But maybe it was just the company! ;) Probably not though, but it certainly didn't hurt. It was just so beautiful out there it took my breath away more than once. (pictures on my facebook)
It was a looking a little crappy when we were driving over the pass and through Cle Elum. Not pouring, but rainy. He decided instead of driving to a different place we'd go to the same as we went last time. I had no problems with that because there is a bathroom at a trail head near us in case of an emergency (or #2). We weren't sure we would find a spot but there were plenty! The one we were at last time was taken so we just went further up the road and found an AWESOME/BEAUTIFUL place right on the creek. And there was nobody around us. It was drizzling a bit but stopped pretty quickly and we had nothing but sunshine the rest of the time we were there.
After getting everything out of the truck and set up we sat by the creek for awhile. He played Risk on his phone and I read. Very peaceful! Then we went in the creek for a bit. He started building a dam (just cause he likes to) and then I helped a little and took pictures. I couldn't get over how pretty it was and how the sun kept shining down as if from heaven.
Then more sitting I think. He probably played with Fred some too and I know I read a lot. A couple times I got motivated and attempted to chop wood. Of course, that's the one picture that I can't seem to get from my cell to my computer. Every time I try to send it to "my album" it says network unavailable. Sucky. :P Anyway though, I got 2 logs chopped completely and a little bit more probably. It not easy but it's one of those things I've always wanted to do. So it was nice to have the opportunity!
Eventually Vince started the fire and I cooked dinner. I did roasted corn on the cob, kabobs with marinated chicken, onions, potatoes and I tried garlic a little. I tried to cook the kabobs on a piece of foil resting on some coals but that didn't go too well. So I ended up throwing everything in a pan and cooking it on the fire. Everything was okay (corn was GOOD) but there's definitely room for improvement. I should have marinated the potatoes in something too and the kabob idea was pretty much a failure.
At some point in the afternoon I found my pee tree. lol I figured out that the best way to pee in the woods (that I know of) is to do like a wall squat up against a tree. Thankfully there was a nice one near us. A little closer than I'd probably prefer but no big deal. Also a little close to the road, though blocked somewhat by a hill, and only 3 or 4 people passed by us the 24ish hours we were there. I'm proud that I did something that all summer I said I wouldn't do. Look at me, I'm growing!! hahaha Still not sure I want to poop in the woods though.
Eventually we went to sleep. I took an ambien and was OUT. He said he got up 3 times or so during the night to pee and I never noticed. I snored too, great...true, it's from my sleep apnea but still, not sexy! Oh yeah, instead of sleeping in separate sleeping bags we laid them all out and made a bed. Kinda romantic, don't ya think! ;) Surprisingly I wasn't cold at all during the night. I figured I would be a little but nope. It was better than I had hoped for.
Next morning I got up and peed again, chopped a little wood to stretch some muscles and then slept for another hour. Then I made breakfast on the new camping stove he bought. Just bacon, eggs, and hash browns. I used the wrong pan for the potatoes so they were kinda eh, but nobody went hungry!
We slowly packed everything up, enjoyed sitting by the creek a little more then headed home. We took a back road from Cle Elum to Easton to avoid some traffic and it was really pretty. We saw lots of houses we liked. Sat in some traffic for a bit but not nearly as bad as I had feared. We stopped near Hyak for Fred to run around and then it was home.
I had such a great time. I'm only bummed that it's the end of camping season and have to wait 6-7 months to go again. Who knows if he'll still be around and it might not be as fun with others. Plus he has gear. lol
So I am totally in to this guy. Like I could fall in love at any second almost but I'm trying not to think that way because he is still confused/unsure or whatever. I'm trying to be patient but I SUCK at that. I'm curious if the source of the unsureness has to do more with his thoughts/feelings/issues with me or more just his own personal stuff. I want to ask, but I'm trying not to pester him about those things. But it's hard because I'm not sure if I'm just supposed to play it cool or if I should be honest with him about how in to him I really am. Relationships are hard.
I'm working on not texting him as much or at all some days. It is easier now that I'm back at work (need to blog about that soon too!) and am busier but there's still quite a bit of free time. Though tomorrow night is dinner with Dad and Thursday is the 1st of a 3 week class for work. We were hoping to play disc golf this week but I'm not sure when I can fit it in. Guess this weekend maybe.
I really like him and I hope it works out!!!!!
It was a looking a little crappy when we were driving over the pass and through Cle Elum. Not pouring, but rainy. He decided instead of driving to a different place we'd go to the same as we went last time. I had no problems with that because there is a bathroom at a trail head near us in case of an emergency (or #2). We weren't sure we would find a spot but there were plenty! The one we were at last time was taken so we just went further up the road and found an AWESOME/BEAUTIFUL place right on the creek. And there was nobody around us. It was drizzling a bit but stopped pretty quickly and we had nothing but sunshine the rest of the time we were there.
After getting everything out of the truck and set up we sat by the creek for awhile. He played Risk on his phone and I read. Very peaceful! Then we went in the creek for a bit. He started building a dam (just cause he likes to) and then I helped a little and took pictures. I couldn't get over how pretty it was and how the sun kept shining down as if from heaven.
Then more sitting I think. He probably played with Fred some too and I know I read a lot. A couple times I got motivated and attempted to chop wood. Of course, that's the one picture that I can't seem to get from my cell to my computer. Every time I try to send it to "my album" it says network unavailable. Sucky. :P Anyway though, I got 2 logs chopped completely and a little bit more probably. It not easy but it's one of those things I've always wanted to do. So it was nice to have the opportunity!
Eventually Vince started the fire and I cooked dinner. I did roasted corn on the cob, kabobs with marinated chicken, onions, potatoes and I tried garlic a little. I tried to cook the kabobs on a piece of foil resting on some coals but that didn't go too well. So I ended up throwing everything in a pan and cooking it on the fire. Everything was okay (corn was GOOD) but there's definitely room for improvement. I should have marinated the potatoes in something too and the kabob idea was pretty much a failure.
At some point in the afternoon I found my pee tree. lol I figured out that the best way to pee in the woods (that I know of) is to do like a wall squat up against a tree. Thankfully there was a nice one near us. A little closer than I'd probably prefer but no big deal. Also a little close to the road, though blocked somewhat by a hill, and only 3 or 4 people passed by us the 24ish hours we were there. I'm proud that I did something that all summer I said I wouldn't do. Look at me, I'm growing!! hahaha Still not sure I want to poop in the woods though.
Eventually we went to sleep. I took an ambien and was OUT. He said he got up 3 times or so during the night to pee and I never noticed. I snored too, great...true, it's from my sleep apnea but still, not sexy! Oh yeah, instead of sleeping in separate sleeping bags we laid them all out and made a bed. Kinda romantic, don't ya think! ;) Surprisingly I wasn't cold at all during the night. I figured I would be a little but nope. It was better than I had hoped for.
Next morning I got up and peed again, chopped a little wood to stretch some muscles and then slept for another hour. Then I made breakfast on the new camping stove he bought. Just bacon, eggs, and hash browns. I used the wrong pan for the potatoes so they were kinda eh, but nobody went hungry!
We slowly packed everything up, enjoyed sitting by the creek a little more then headed home. We took a back road from Cle Elum to Easton to avoid some traffic and it was really pretty. We saw lots of houses we liked. Sat in some traffic for a bit but not nearly as bad as I had feared. We stopped near Hyak for Fred to run around and then it was home.
I had such a great time. I'm only bummed that it's the end of camping season and have to wait 6-7 months to go again. Who knows if he'll still be around and it might not be as fun with others. Plus he has gear. lol
So I am totally in to this guy. Like I could fall in love at any second almost but I'm trying not to think that way because he is still confused/unsure or whatever. I'm trying to be patient but I SUCK at that. I'm curious if the source of the unsureness has to do more with his thoughts/feelings/issues with me or more just his own personal stuff. I want to ask, but I'm trying not to pester him about those things. But it's hard because I'm not sure if I'm just supposed to play it cool or if I should be honest with him about how in to him I really am. Relationships are hard.
I'm working on not texting him as much or at all some days. It is easier now that I'm back at work (need to blog about that soon too!) and am busier but there's still quite a bit of free time. Though tomorrow night is dinner with Dad and Thursday is the 1st of a 3 week class for work. We were hoping to play disc golf this week but I'm not sure when I can fit it in. Guess this weekend maybe.
I really like him and I hope it works out!!!!!
Monday, August 30, 2010
"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."
So, the details on my adventure with Vince yesterday!
He picked me up but wouldn't tell me where we were headed. Fred, his dog (a girl), wouldn't spill the beans either! lol Though he said he wasn't 100% sure where we were specifically going. We headed out to 18 so I knew we were headed east. We stopped at Lake Kachess (stump lake) so Fred could run around a bit. We got back on the road and stopped in Cle Elum to pick up something at the store for dinner. I think we drove another 30-45 minutes north of town and on some logging road. So much pretty scenery!! We both always like looking at the houses out in the country.
We probably got to our destination around 6:30 or maybe even a little later. It was just off this gravel road and right next to a creek/stream. SO PRETTY! Apparently he's camped there several times before. We walked around a bit and then he brought out his gun to KILL ME....psych, so we could shoot! When I found out he had guns a couple weeks ago I got a little excited. I've shot one before, many years ago, and wanted to do it gain. He gave me a little lesson so I wouldn't hurt anybody and he let me shoot as much as I wanted. It wasn't much though cause my hand hurt! Totally fun though and something I'd told him I'd wanted to do.
Then he started a fire. Something else I've told him I like. So I guess boys can listen! lol It took a little bit to get it going but it was really nice. I so enjoy sitting by a fire. We listened to his ipod a bit then just listened to nature and we talked some too. While it was still a twilighty I was like, "you'll get bonus points if stars show up." It looked a little cloudy so we weren't sure it would happen. Already an A date though. :) Then I laid down so I could look up at the stars. It was a really nice spot for it. The longer I stared up there the more starts I could see. He laid next to me for awhile and we saw a shooting star. Then Fred got in between us which was fine with me cause I was getting COLD.
I think we were probably there for another 30 minutes or so then we took off. The drive back seemed to take forever but it was nice. I so enjoy spending time with Vince. He's so nice and smart and cute and fun and get's me out doing stuff I wouldn't normally do. I'm trying really hard to just enjoy it without getting all "where are we going" but that is so hard for me. I'm just not a casual, go with the flow kind of girl. lol
So that's my story and I'm sticking to it! hahaha No plans for another date but I'm sure there will be another one. I hope so anyway. :)
He picked me up but wouldn't tell me where we were headed. Fred, his dog (a girl), wouldn't spill the beans either! lol Though he said he wasn't 100% sure where we were specifically going. We headed out to 18 so I knew we were headed east. We stopped at Lake Kachess (stump lake) so Fred could run around a bit. We got back on the road and stopped in Cle Elum to pick up something at the store for dinner. I think we drove another 30-45 minutes north of town and on some logging road. So much pretty scenery!! We both always like looking at the houses out in the country.
We probably got to our destination around 6:30 or maybe even a little later. It was just off this gravel road and right next to a creek/stream. SO PRETTY! Apparently he's camped there several times before. We walked around a bit and then he brought out his gun to KILL ME....psych, so we could shoot! When I found out he had guns a couple weeks ago I got a little excited. I've shot one before, many years ago, and wanted to do it gain. He gave me a little lesson so I wouldn't hurt anybody and he let me shoot as much as I wanted. It wasn't much though cause my hand hurt! Totally fun though and something I'd told him I'd wanted to do.
Then he started a fire. Something else I've told him I like. So I guess boys can listen! lol It took a little bit to get it going but it was really nice. I so enjoy sitting by a fire. We listened to his ipod a bit then just listened to nature and we talked some too. While it was still a twilighty I was like, "you'll get bonus points if stars show up." It looked a little cloudy so we weren't sure it would happen. Already an A date though. :) Then I laid down so I could look up at the stars. It was a really nice spot for it. The longer I stared up there the more starts I could see. He laid next to me for awhile and we saw a shooting star. Then Fred got in between us which was fine with me cause I was getting COLD.
I think we were probably there for another 30 minutes or so then we took off. The drive back seemed to take forever but it was nice. I so enjoy spending time with Vince. He's so nice and smart and cute and fun and get's me out doing stuff I wouldn't normally do. I'm trying really hard to just enjoy it without getting all "where are we going" but that is so hard for me. I'm just not a casual, go with the flow kind of girl. lol
So that's my story and I'm sticking to it! hahaha No plans for another date but I'm sure there will be another one. I hope so anyway. :)
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Do you like me or don't you? Just tell me so I can get over you.
So Vince, the guy I've gone on 6 dates with now. Let's recap them:
#1 June 22nd: Met at the Family Fun Center, played some games, putt putt golf, more games, then watched a movie at my place.
#2 June 26th: He picked me up and we went to dinner and then movie at my place.
#3 June 30th: He picked me up, disc golf, dinner (I paid), movie at my place.
#4 July 6th: He picked me up, walked along Alki, dinner, walked back, dropped me off.
#5 July 9th: He picked me up, dinner (I paid), walked around Cornucopia Days, movie at my place.
#6 July 10th: He picked me up, dinner, disc golf, and he just dropped me off.
I really like this guy for the most part. There are a few minor things that irk me, but nothing serious in my opinion. More on that later. When I can get him to talk, he seems intelligent and open minded. (He was pretty quiet at first and is still a little, but not as bad.) Pretty gentlemanly, opens doors, picks me up (all my life I've been the driver for EVERYTHING is seems), usually pays, hopped a fence for me (I threw the frisbee over He has a job (that he's had for 10 years!!!), a car, a dog he loves and friends. There are a lot of pluses about this guy. I think he's cute, cuter than the pics he sent me. Has a cute smile and pretty brown eyes. More than once he's randomly leaned over and kissed me while at a stoplight. Also will put his arm around me when walking sometimes. Random little kisses during disc golf. So good guy! Oh yeah, I keep thinking of more things I like about him! Good kisser ;) and he wrote me several long emails. Hasn't tried to rush me into bed. Hasn't even gotten anywhere near that and I like it!
Here are the few things that are a little annoying: hasn't thanked me when I've bought dinner, I don't think he's ever complimented me (but it's still early), not always great at getting back to my texts (SO MINOR), never asks me how my day was even after I asked him or other basic questions like that, doesn't know if he sees this as a "long-term" thing (HUGE BUMMER), and I think that's it.
So I really, really like him! By far one of the top 5 nicest guys I've ever dated. Maybe top 3 but I don't want to try and think about that now.
I'm trying to play it cooler than I usually do. Because I have an addictive personality and if I like something I usually get all obsessed about it. I DON'T want to be that girl.
So that is all the details I can think of to share at this time. :)
#1 June 22nd: Met at the Family Fun Center, played some games, putt putt golf, more games, then watched a movie at my place.
#2 June 26th: He picked me up and we went to dinner and then movie at my place.
#3 June 30th: He picked me up, disc golf, dinner (I paid), movie at my place.
#4 July 6th: He picked me up, walked along Alki, dinner, walked back, dropped me off.
#5 July 9th: He picked me up, dinner (I paid), walked around Cornucopia Days, movie at my place.
#6 July 10th: He picked me up, dinner, disc golf, and he just dropped me off.
I really like this guy for the most part. There are a few minor things that irk me, but nothing serious in my opinion. More on that later. When I can get him to talk, he seems intelligent and open minded. (He was pretty quiet at first and is still a little, but not as bad.) Pretty gentlemanly, opens doors, picks me up (all my life I've been the driver for EVERYTHING is seems), usually pays, hopped a fence for me (I threw the frisbee over He has a job (that he's had for 10 years!!!), a car, a dog he loves and friends. There are a lot of pluses about this guy. I think he's cute, cuter than the pics he sent me. Has a cute smile and pretty brown eyes. More than once he's randomly leaned over and kissed me while at a stoplight. Also will put his arm around me when walking sometimes. Random little kisses during disc golf. So good guy! Oh yeah, I keep thinking of more things I like about him! Good kisser ;) and he wrote me several long emails. Hasn't tried to rush me into bed. Hasn't even gotten anywhere near that and I like it!
Here are the few things that are a little annoying: hasn't thanked me when I've bought dinner, I don't think he's ever complimented me (but it's still early), not always great at getting back to my texts (SO MINOR), never asks me how my day was even after I asked him or other basic questions like that, doesn't know if he sees this as a "long-term" thing (HUGE BUMMER), and I think that's it.
So I really, really like him! By far one of the top 5 nicest guys I've ever dated. Maybe top 3 but I don't want to try and think about that now.
I'm trying to play it cooler than I usually do. Because I have an addictive personality and if I like something I usually get all obsessed about it. I DON'T want to be that girl.
So that is all the details I can think of to share at this time. :)
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
insert witty title here
I have been in a ridiculously good mood since January!! I'm very chipper and feisty and sometimes my optimism even starts to annoy my cynical/sarcastic side! lol Sometimes I really think I have a split personality. I'm enjoying the happiness and the new experience of extended happiness.

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