Spring Break is going well. I'm sad it's almost over! I haven't been nearly as productive as I had wanted to be, but really...did anybody think I would be? LOL I've done a little cleaning and there's still time to do more but we'll see.
I had lunch with mama Vanessa yesterday which was great. I love spending time with her! In some ways it makes me miss my Mom more, but mostly makes me miss her less. I couldn't ask for a better 2nd mother! :)
Tonight I'm going to hang out with Ian and Steve from work, that should be fun!
I've slept in a couple days which as been SOOOOOOOO nice! Today I woke up for good around 12:30 but didn't get out of bed for another hour. And here it is almost 3:30 and I'm still in my pajamas. Jealous?
So last night I had a first date with a guy named Mike. He's really nice and funny and best of all...he plays WARCRAFT!! Yeah, I'm a nerd, but that's ok. :) We went to the Olive Garden and then we played warcraft together for a bit when we both got home. He lives in Seattle and does computer stuff for a living. Really nice guy! I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes. We're going out this weekend too.
Okay, I think it might be time for me to shower. lol